Voting Methods Calculator
The applet illustrates how different voting methods may produce different outcomes in an election. Counts can be run using the Plurality, Plurality with Runoff, Borda Count, and Condorcet methods.


  1. Click on the cells in the left-hand column and type in candidate names.
  2. Enter preference schedules in the columns of the table on the right.
  3. The number of voters having a particular set of preferences goes in the blue box at the top of each column.
  4. Select the voting method to use from the menu in the top right corner and press the green check button to count the votes.
  5. The plus and minus buttons let you add or delete rows and columns. To add or delete a row, click in a cell in the left-hand column and press the plus or minus button. To add or delete a colum click in the blue cell at the top of a coumn and press the plus or minus button.
  6. The "Details" panel shows a detailed explanation of how the votes were counted.